Creating a KWL Chart on Padlet


Hi my dear followers!

It feels like it's been a really long time since I last talked you. But after a tiring, incredibly unbearable ,and long exam week, I'm here with you again.

This week's assignment was to create a KWL chart which includes three section and help you to learn about specific subjects.This three sections are What We Know, Want to Know and What We Learned. With my partners ,we decided to select the pandemic as our subject and then thought that it would be good if we narrowed the subject as "The Pandemic's Effects on Life in Turkey" since the pandemic is a large subject.

I must say that working as a team made the whole process easier. Although in the beginning the task seemed really confusing to me ,with the help of my partners, it succeeded. I really think colloboration  , communication and exchanging ideas supports your work and it worked for our project very well. We constantly shared our ideas,communicated and asked for help from each other.

Since it's the Information Age , creating KWL charts on Padlet can be really useful for 21st century learning as it really pushes you to learn about something.

And  you can visit my partners Sude and Beyza 's blogs here.

You can also find our Padlet KWL chart here:

Padlet ile yapıldı


  1. You wouldn't be as succesfull if I, as awesome as I am, were not your partner! :D


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